QQMail Spam How to mark and delete


Hawaiians love the kind of Spam that comes in a can, but no one likes the kind that comes in your email. In this post, we’ll talk about how to mark and delete spam emails from qqmail spam account. Doing this will teach your email how to filter out unwanted messages so they don’t clutter up your inbox.

To get started, make sure you know how to sign in to your qqmail account. We’ll be starting this tutorial from your main QQMail inbox view.

How to mark emails as spam in QQMail

Just like most major email platforms, qqmail comes with a built-in spam folder and a way of filtering emails. The “Spam” folder can be found in the left menu bar, right underneath the “Trash” folder.

QQMail Spam

If you click on that link, you can look at your qqmail spam folder. As you can see, mine is empty at the moment.

Now, back to our main inbox view. If you see that an email has arrived and you know it’s spam without even opening it, you can mark and delete it right from your inbox. To do this, just check the box next to the unwanted message, and then click on the button “Report Spam” at the top of your inbox.

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On the other hand, sometimes you don’t know a message is spam until you’ve read it. If you have opened an email and see that it’s just icky spam, all you have to do is click on the “Spam” button at the top of the message.

Whichever method you use, you will get a notification from QQMail that your action was successful. It says “Report Succed and desubscribed”. I think what it means to say is “Report successful and unsubscribed”. By now, you know that qqmail doesn’t always have perfect English.

Note: This email was not sent to my qqmail spam folder, but rather remained in my inbox. I imagine this is because it was an official Tencent system email. Presumably, any other message would be moved into the “Spam” folder, along with any similar messages that would be put there automatically in the future.

How to mark a message as not qqmail spam

If you accidentally report an email as spam, or if qqmail automatically filters out a message that isn’t really spam, you can fix this easily. Simply go into your “Spam” folder, check the message that you want to recover, and click the “Not spam” button. The email will be moved back into your inbox.

Marking and deleting qqmail spam isn’t complicated, but it can help keep your account much more organized. The more spam you report, the better QQ?? will get at filtering out those unwanted messages, so you never have to deal with them. Any emails that get put in your “Spam” folder will be automatically deleted after 30 days, so it is a good idea to check periodically to make sure it doesn’t contain anything that doesn’t belong there.